Dienstag, 29. April 2008
777 - The Number Of The Wolpertinger
Ceck out the city locations of the "777 - The Number Of The Wolpertinger" skateboard tour. Featuring Danny Sommerfeld and Sascha Müller aka Zosch Gordon from the Hessenmob skate battalion. Remember the pro-rider deck graphics i made for them? And who did the Quiksilver flyer and shirt design? Guess...

Montag, 28. April 2008
Freitag, 25. April 2008
Amaze/2008 - part V
Before i had to catch the train to Brussels to get my flight back home i hit the backyard of the Tarmak shop in Sint Niklaas on monday.

Donnerstag, 24. April 2008
Amaze/2008 - part IV
A classic: late night drunkeness made Bfree and WayneHorse doodling a "best-of" of famous characters from street art books on the walls.

Fan Art
Mittwoch, 23. April 2008
Amaze/2008 - part III
Haven't done any customized Teddy Trooper in a while by my own. On sunday at the Amaze/2008 event i found a free hour to work out this little friend...

Teddy Troops
Dienstag, 22. April 2008
Amaze/2008 - part II
Started drinking too early and paining too late. So i came up with maybe my worst piece ever so far. Even more worse than my very first. But i am not too ashamed of it to show it.

123Klan - Spring Sale
Check out the sweet stuff from my friends Klor and Scien of the 123Klan. They are just clearing their 123Warehouse in their new city of choice: Montreal.

Montag, 21. April 2008
Amaze/2008 - part I
Here are the first photos from last weekend in Sint Niklaas/Belgium where the Amaze2008 event was taking place. More flix to come the next days...

Montag, 14. April 2008
Donnerstag, 10. April 2008
Artoyz's Teddy TroopsExhibition 2006
Check out Artoyz's flickr site to see all the great customizedc Teddy Troops that had been created for the show in 2006.

Teddy Troops
Montag, 7. April 2008
Bring All Your Friends And Enemies
This Friday 11th of April the GangGreen will be part of a group show here in Hamburg. "Bring All Your Friends And Enemies" currated by DieFantasieGestalten will start at 8pm at the Hinterkonti Gallery.

Donnerstag, 3. April 2008
Mittwoch, 2. April 2008
Förtress X Somtee
Check out the limited t-shirt edition i made in colaboration with Somtee. It comes in a special packaging box and is all hand screen printed. That's a good one!

Dienstag, 1. April 2008
Chimp's new website
Yeah! My best mate Dave the Chimp finally entered the world with his brand new website! Also he is moving to Berlin in two weeks. Have a smooth move and good luck in big B, Dave! See you soon there!

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