One of our greatest has passed away. My friend
Sigi von Koeding better known as
DARE lost his battle against cancer. Thinking back about him i am just full of good memories! Meeting Sigi first a few years ago in Paris at a festival where we immediately became friends. There are just a few people out there who are that smart, supportive, selfless and positive to others. Beside his great personality he has been also a real great artist. Working hard and convident on his way of life that took him rally far. But at the same time also doing so much for his friends. By being involved together to a few more projects since then we met up frequently and each time we were best mates and it was always high fun times. Thank you! There is a big gap left now that you have gone. This is not only really sad — this is just wrong! Why do the good ones have to leave first?
Sigi, now you have gone where only eagles DARE...